Disclaimer: ducktest rewrites python source files. Being a work in progress it fails for certain reasons. Know how to revert when ducktest breaks your code.


Python source code can be augmented by type hints. These are useful for the human reader as well as static code analysers. ducktest is a tool to generate type hints.

Unit tests should explain how to use your code. Good tests contain a lot of information about the types used in your code. Tests written with ducktest in mind contain as much information as designated type hints. Writing independent type hints is a form of duplication.

ducktest executes unit tests and collects the types of method parameters and return values of methods called in the process. Then ducktest writes that information into the :type and :rtype tags of the corresponding method docstrings.

use cases


Consider some module:

def do_something(a_parameter):
    return str(a_parameter)

and some test:

class TestSome(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_do_something(self):
        assert do_something(1)=='1'

calling ducktest writes type information retrieved from the test into the docstring of the tested method:

def do_something(a_parameter):
    :type a_parameter: int
    :rtype: str
    return str(a_parameter)


Instances of mock.Mock with a _spec property trigger ducktest (such instances result e.g. from calls to mock.create_autospec). The type of the _spec is written into the docstring. Mocks with _spec=None are ignored.

Consider py.some_module:

class SomeClass(object):

def do_something(a_parameter):

and some test:

class TestSome(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_do_something(self):
        some = mock.create_autospec(SomeClass)

calling ducktest writes type information retrieved from the test into the docstring of the tested method. For non-builtin objects the full reference is written:

class SomeClass(object):

def do_something(a_parameter):
    """:type a_parameter: some.full.reference.SomeClass"""

Mocks allow to create type hints for any class. Also for abstract base classes.

iterable collections

Consider some module:

def get_first_element(a_parameter):
    return a_parameter[0]

and some test:

class TestSome(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_get_first_element(self):
        assert get_first_element([1, 2, 3])==1

calling ducktest writes the type as well as contained types:

def get_first_element(a_parameter):
    :type a_parameter: list of int
    :rtype: int
    return a_parameter[0]


Consider some module:

def get_value(a_parameter, key):
    return a_parameter[key]

and some test:

class TestSome(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_get_value(self):
        assert get_value({1:'A', 2:'B', 3:'C'}, 2)=='B'

calling ducktest writes the type as well as contained types:

def get_value(a_parameter):
    :type a_parameter: dict of (int,str)
    :rtype: str
    return a_parameter[key]


Consider some generator:

def some_generator():
    yield 1

and some test:

class TestSome(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_some_generator(self):
        for stuff in some_generator():
            assert stuff==1

Calling ducktest results in a generator rtype tag, the sphinx docstring format does not seem to define a yield_type tag, so ducktest currently does not write one:

def some_generator():
    """:rtype: generator"""
    yield 1

type hierarchies

If a type and its subtype both appear in the same :type or :rtype tag, ducktest omits the subtype from the tag. Types of objects in containers and mappings are considered. For example: if B is subtype of A, then list[B] is considered a subtype of list[A].

Empty container and mapping types are considered subtypes of non-empty containers and mappings. Therefore empty containers/mappings are omitted, when non-empty ones are present in the same type tag. A list is not equivalent to a list of any.

If you need a type hint for an abstract base class, you might either mock it (see Mocks above), or replace the __abstractmethods__ property of the class by an empty set for the duration of the test and create an instance. Both will result in a test of the abstract class and a correct type hint.


Install ducktest via pip:

pip install ducktest



Create a python script on the top level of your project. For example run_ducktest.py:

from ducktest.configuration import DucktestConfiguration

                      test_directories=[('demo', 'test'), ],
                      ignore_call_parameter_names=('self', 'cls'),

First parameter is the calling file, if the script is on project top level. The Configuration object splits the file and uses the path. ducktest discovers and executes tests in test_directories, writes types in write_directories.

All directories are relative to the top level directory. So the script run_ducktest.py can be checked in to version control. Directories with more than one level should be given as tuple, to avoid OS specific path separators.

Parameter names in ignore_call_parameter_names are ignored. This is used to avoid hints for parameters named self and cls, which are usually unnecessary.



ducktest uses sys.settrace, therefore it can not be used on parts of your code that call sys.settrace (and is itself not easily accessible by debuggers and such). It also can not evaluate python code that runs in separate threads.

However, this is not a strong limitation since ducktest is supposed to execute unit tests. Unit tests really should not call sys.settrace or do multi-threading.

limits of the sphinx notation

  • classes as parameters can not be expressed
  • functions and methods as parameters can not be described well
  • Pycharm parses only tags that are on a single line, and therefore too long when multiple types are involved

notable (intended) behaviour

  • ducktest uses the failfast option of unittest. ducktest does not write type information if any of the executed tests failed.
  • ducktest deletes all :type and :rtype tags in all files in the write_directories before writing. So a failed renaming does not result in a broken docstring. Type tags from other sources (e.g. the developer) will be lost. Just do never write those tags again by hand.
  • ducktest does not write tags for NoneType or a plain mock.Mock (without _spec_class)

TODO (unordered)

  • how to handle @abstractmethod and @abstractproperty? Those functions are never executed (also not during tests) but deserve a type hint.
  • introduce an any type...
  • do not record types from tests that use assertRaises, since those might be wrong
  • resolve old style classes
  • When a parameter is a class (not an instance), its type is type or metaclass. Calls to its classmethods will create warnings in static type checkers. There seems to be no way to express this in the sphinx docstring format that is parsed by type checkers
  • Useful unimplemented configuration options:
    • handle hand-written mocks
    • exclude subfolders from type writing
    • exclude subfolders from test execution
  • pep 484 notation